
Your Soulful CEO


Irresistible Offers


Ideal Clients


Impact + Income

A business accelerator for soul-centred coaches and consultants.

Maybe there's that quiet (or not so quiet) voice telling you that it's time to play a bigger game in your business?

Maybe you're tired of trying to navigate the noise and conflicting advice around what it takes to grow a thriving and aligned business that you love.

Maybe you're ready to ditch the hustle and finally settle into creating the kind of impact and income that got you into this work in the first place.

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place

Apply For Sept. 2024

Activate Cohort

“I got way more than my initial goals of earning consistent income through aligned offers”

My experience in Activate has been transformative on multiple levels. Beyond my initial goal of earning consistent income, I gained clarity on my ICA, learned to run a business aligned with my values, connected with like-minded women, and discovered invaluable support to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. Activate provided me with the tools and resources I need to succeed, not just in the short term, but also throughout my entrepreneurial journey. I am grateful for the personal and professional growth this program has facilitated and look forward to applying these lessons as I continue to build and expand my business.

MISTY LUCAS, Holistic life coach

Imagine yourself in 90-days from now...

  • Your clear on who you help and how you help them and you stand out in your space because you're clear on your unique method of creating transformation.

  • Your gifts and skills are packaged into irresistible soul work offers that your ideal clients love.

  • You know exactly what actions to take and how to show up so that you can become more visible.

  • You're signing clients that feel aligned and expansive.

Are you ready to activate this new reality?

These Are The Kind Of Results You Can Expect

Within Weeks Of Joining Activate. Seriously.

“That sounds amazing Kristin, but how many people actually create these kind of results?”

I'm not going to lie to you and say building a thriving and self-sustaining coaching business is easy. It's not. It's going to take work.

But if you're willing to commit I've got you.

Using the vetted roadmap and tools I'll give you, you'll get everything you need to short cut your learning curve and start creating consistent clients in your business.

most people DON'T get stuck because they aren't good at what they do. they get stuck because of:

  • Limiting Beliefs: They are afraid of being truly seen which prevents them from putting themselves out there and going all in on what they really want.

  • Unclear Strategy: They are following a combination of tactics that they have picked up from free trainings, friends, and what they see others doing. They have some of the ingredients but no recipe.

  • Lack of Skills: The skills required to run a successful business are not the same as the skills needed to be an amazing coach or consultant, without guidance and support to build up CEO skills many soul-centred business owners remain hidden gems.

This doesn’t have to be your reality.

Let's cut through the noise, short cut your learning curve, and set you up with sustainable systems, strategies, and tools to scale your income and impact, shall we?

Does this sound like you?

  • You have been trying to figure it out on you've invested in programs that give you little to no personalized support

  • You’ve been selling yourself out, putting other people and projects ahead of the work you know you are here to do (your soul work)

  • You’ve been pulled in multiple directions by free content or strategies that just don't work for you

  • You have lost the connection to your inner Soulful CEO who knows the way

  • You’ve been playing it safe-- you haven’t given yourself permission to go all in and create a business that produces the income and impact you desire

I see you because I've been there...

When I first started my business I was the worst boss I’d ever had.

In my first year of entrepreneurship I drove myself hard. I had a goal of earning my 6-figure corporate salary in my business right out of the gates.

I overbooked myself, tried to do it all, and was just generally treating soulful business building as a sprint, not the marathon it is... but once I was trapped in the hustle of ‘building’ my business, it felt like the only way.

I bet you can guess where this story is going.... this unsustainable approach lead to major burnout and a feeling of 'why am I doing this anyways?'

I had lost touch with my inner wise woman...

  • The one who knows that business is a spiritual game.

  • The one who knows that to create a soulful business that creates the kind of impact I desired I had to align my business to my soul's blueprint not the other way around.

It took me 3 full months to recover from that burnout, but the gift in it all, was that I saw that I needed to create a new 'non-hustle' paradigm for business that actually worked - vs just sounding nice in theory.

That lead me to...

The Soul Work Method™

The Soul Work Method

The journey of becoming a Soulful CEO who runs a high impact, high income, soul aligned business.

What Happens When You Learn How To Fully Embody The Role Of Soulful CEO

& Learn How To Sell Soulfully

"It‘s so much easier to communicate what I do - people are intrigued when I tell them who I help and they immediately ‘get it‘."

Before I started working with Kristin I had no clarity about my ideal client, practically no online presence and hadn‘t been doing much marketing - I was a coach for everyone and everything, which meant that I wasn‘t speaking to anyone in particular. Kristin helped me set the foundations of my business, especially regarding marketing & sales, which was just what I needed after coming out of a 2 year certification program. I now feel crystal clear about who I‘m serving, I have an aligned marketing strategy and it‘s so much easier to communicate what I do - people are intrigued when I tell them who I help and they immediately ‘get it‘. Before working with Kristin I had one offer (a 6-month coaching package), but now I have a full product suite with low, medium and high-ticket offers so that I can serve clients at different points of their journey.


How Does Activate Work?

8 learning modules to give you all of the foundational knowledge, tools, and plug and play resources to build your thriving and aligned coaching/consulting business.

Weekly intimate group coaching calls that include:

- Monthly Soulful CEO Ritual

- Monthly Soulful Sales & Marketing Lab

- Bi-Weekly Hot Seat Coaching

Full all access support. You get your very own Mindset & Accountability Coach who you'll connect with 1:1 every two weeks + you'll get anytime 1:1 support and coaching from Kristin in the online community.

When you go all in on the program, I go all in on you. If you don't earn your investment in the program back after 90-days you can re-enrol in the program at no cost.

You’re ready for Activate if you are….

  • Feeling called to step into something bigger, but you’re unclear how to start or what to do next
  • Tired of going it alone without much success
  • Ready to stop trading time for money
  • Passionate about creating both abundance and impact through your business
  • Sick of seeing others doing what you want to do and are ready to claim what you really want
  • Ready to have a business that creates ease + abundance

You’re ready for Activate if you are a coach or industry expert who is….

  • Already making money in your business & you're ready to scale your income & impact.

  • Tired trying to navigate your next steps on your own or getting lost in big group coaching programs with little to know personalized support.

  • Ready to stop the feast and famine cycles with your revenue and instead create consistent income you can count on through a suite of aligned offers.
  • Ready to stand out in your space by creating and owning your signature method that creates results for your clients.

  • Ready to have a business that is a vehicle for you to do your soul work in the world and thrive.

If that’s you, then it’s time to come join me inside of Activate

here's how we get you results:

Become the Soulful CEO


  • Clarify your vision and purpose

  • Uncover your unique method

  • Define your core messages & mission


  • Learn how to be an energetic match for your goals
  • Upgrade your money mindset

  • Separate worth from your work

  • Navigate imposter syndrome


  • Claim and create your income and impact goals

  • Create your Soulful Business Strategy

  • Build mastery around your time & energy management

Activate Your Soulful Business

CREATE HIgh impact offers

  • Create your 6-figure business model signature offer stack

  • Define your unique method

  • Design a signature offer that gets results for your ideal client
  • Find the just right price for your offer
  • Package and position your offer in a way that makes it easy to sell


  • Define your ideal customer
  • Know where and how authentically connect with your ideal clients

  • Learn how to build your audience of ideal clients

BUSINESS systems setup

  • Business systems that scale

  • Client management systems

  • Optimizing your online presence

START making money

  • Learn soulful sales and marketing

  • Take part in 2 x income challenges

  • Earn back your investment in the program back in 90-days or re-enrol for another 90 for free.

“This work is like a life hack or something!”

“I highly recommend Kristin's process. It created foundational elements in my business that I come back to over and over again.

Uncovering and articulating my Unique Method was a game-changer and has allowed me to differentiate myself and my work in my niche.

The way Kristin weaves the inner work together with the focus areas in our businesses is very powerful. It's like a life hack or something lol!'


The Activate Program Includes:

8-WEEK CURRICULUM to give you the skills and knowledge you need to create a thriving business rooted in your soul work.

BI-WEEKLY HOT SEAT COACHING CALLS so you are supported through each stage of your journey.

MONTHLY SOULFUL CEO RITUAL to support you with the rhythms and tools you need to be successful as the CEO of your business.


to help you build the confidence and clarity needed to master soulful sales and marketing.

PRIVATE COMMUNITY - an intimate community to co-create, connect, and be held accountable to your goals with others on a similar path.

2 INCOME CHALLENGES to support you in implementing the strategies and upgrades you learn to start creating next-level revenue within the first 30-days of the program.

6 x 1:1 MINDSET & ACCOUNTABILITY CALLS to ensure you are supported and tracking towards success.


  • Living Your Purpose

    with Chris Dierkies

    - Soul Interpreter + Guide

    • Small Business Finance - with Jacinthe Koddo

    • Create Your Profitable Freebie and Welcome Sequence with Katie Peacock - Messaging Strategist

See how each student steps into their Soul Work Business:

“The best investment I could’ve made in myself & my business.”

“This program was everything that I wanted and needed.”

“I got more confident with sales and marketing.”

“I feel like I actually run a business & I've exceeded my income goals,"

3 Steps To Get Started

To Claim A Spot In The Next Cohort...

  1. Book aN APPLication call

Spots in each cohort are limited. Book a call to apply here.

  1. Join the free soulful CEO community

This is a high-value community where we talk all things soulful business strategy. Join here.

  1. Connect with KRISTIN on social

Let's get to know one another. Connect on Instagram and send a DM to say hi!


and in case you missed this!

This program comes with a written guarantee!

Yup, that's right. I'm guaranteeing results and if you don't earn your investment in this program back by the end of our time together you can re-enrol in the program at no cost.

“I’m not so sure this will work for me...”

Let’s take care of the sabotaging thoughts my students overcome to join Activate.

Hesitation #1: “It’s not the right time.”

We can always find an excuse to not invest in ourselves and our businesses. This is the trap that keeps so many entrepreneurs stuck at the same level, spinning their wheels year after year. 

Here are some questions you can consider:

  • What would be different a year from now, if you said yes to creating a soulful 6-figure business today?

  • What would you have to say no to, in order to say yes to this and create the time?

  • What is the predictable future if you push off creating your soulful 6-figure business today?

Hesitation #2: “I don’t know who to trust to guide me.”

There are a lot of self-proclaimed gurus saying that their way is the way. Who do you believe?

Believe your inner wise guide. When you tap into that inner wisdom, you become your own guru who can self-author your next step. 

For those of you who care about credentials here are some of mine:

I’m a PCC certified coach with the (ICF) International Coach Federation

I hold a joint major in Business and Psychology

I have a graduate degree in Adult Education

I trained with Alyssa Nobriga in the Institute For Coaching Mastery

I am a certified yoga and breathwork facilitator and use somatic coaching approaches in my work

I am certified in the Crystalline Consciousness Technique for energy work

I have been a Forbes Coaches Council Contributor

I have been a Mentor for the Forum For Women Entrepreneurs (FWE) and for The Young Women In Business Organization

I have 6+ years of experience working with hundreds of entrepreneurs to start and scale their businesses from start-up to 7 figures and everywhere in-between.

I have 12+ years and 1000’s of hours of experience coaching entrepreneurs and top-level executives from companies like JOEY Restaurant Group, Vega, Pan Pacific Hotels + Resorts, Kit and Ace, and Thinkific.

All this to say I bring a deep toolkit of education and experiences to our work.

Hesitation #3: “I’m not ready to invest.”

What if your investment would pay itself back and then some?

I'm so confident in this method and in this program that if you show up and do the work and you still haven't made your investment back during the time we have together in this program I will continue to work with you in a group setting until you do.

Hesitation #4: “Is this the right program for me?”

This program is an immersive experience that begins the moment you say yes to investing in your business.

  • If you want a program that you can passively partake in or just learn some stuff to apply and integrate someday, this is not the program for you.

  • If you want a container to transform yourself as the leader of your business (and your business itself!) then this is for you.

  • This is way more than weekly coaching calls and online training videos. This is an intimate experience that has been carefully designed to create transformation on the mental, behavioral, somatic, & energetic levels of your being.

  • If you are looking to be a part of a community of other soulful entrepreneurs, then this program is for you.

  • If you are looking to get 1-on-1 support to help you through your unique challenges, then this program is for you.

  • If you are ready to finally make the changes in your mindset and in your business, and commit to a 3 -month container to accelerate that journey... then this program is for you.

Hesitation #5: “Can I really create a business where I don’t have to hustle to create income + impact?”

Simply, yes. And I've helped 100's of women create this reality for themselves.

It just takes:

  • Claiming what you really want.

  • A willingness to do the inner and outer work and create change on all 4 levels: Mental, Behavioural, Somatic, & Energetic. 

  • Action and consistency to implement because knowing what to do won’t change a thing.

    But, I’ll say it again, not only can you create income and impact without having to hustle... 

    if you want to have a sustainable approach where you are doing this for years to come, it’s necessary.

“I have clarity on how to speak directly to my ideal clients (the ones that light me up!)”

“Kristin helped me build a unique virtual psychotherapy practice with unique revenue streams, accessibility, and messaging that continues to speak directly to my ideal clients (the ones that light me up!). The confidence I have built around each aspect of my business is priceless. It is clear to me now when to delegate out, when to rest and when to challenge myself to take my soul work to the next level."

— Kaitlyn baptist, psychotherapist, Yoga teacher. Spiritual guide. Breathwork facilitator.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it work?

I am so confident in the method we use that I have an All In Promise...

You go all in on the program - I go all in on you.

Meaning that if you don't earn a minimum of your investment back by the end of the 90-days I'll continue to work with you until you do.

What is the weekly time commitment like?

You will need to dedicate approximately 5-7 hours per week to this work which includes our live group coaching calls, the self-paced video trainings, and weekly integration practices.

How does payment work? Are there payment plans?

You will be sent a payment link where you can pay with a credit card. There are pay in full or payment plan options.

What’s the process?

It's an easy two steps to join this experience:

  • Schedule a 60-min Strategy Call where we will walk through your goals and the program in detail so you can be a full body yes in your choice to join.

  • Once you register, you'll receive an onboarding email and a welcome package to get you on your way!

Can I get 1-on-1 support?

There are lots of places to get 1:1 support:

  • You will have direct access to me through the online community for anytime support and coaching.

  • The weekly group coaching calls offer an optional opportunity to be coached by me in front of the group so you can get support at each stage of your journey.

  • You will get 6x 45-min 1:1 calls with your Accountability and Mindset Coach

How many people will be in my group?

There will be no more than 10 people on a call to allow for lots of 1:1 support and an intimate setting.

What if I can’t make the live calls?

If you can’t make the live coaching calls they will be recorded but there are two call times each week so you can choose the one that works best for you.

I have another question... how do I get in touch?

Book a 60-min Strategy Call here to get all your questions answered!

The Income and Impact You Desire Is Waiting... Ready To Activate It?