A Roadmap To

Your First Soulful

6-Figure Year

A 3-part training for

Coaches & Industry Experts

Who Are Ready To Create

Their First Soulful 6-Figure Year.

Creating those coveted 10k+ months is a big milestone for any new coach.

But in a world where social media makes this look like a walk in the park you might be wondering what you're doing wrong and why it feels so hard to get here.

In this 3-part training I'm going to take you behind the scenes to show you exactly where you need to focus and what you need to do in your business to create 6-figures in your business this year in a way that feels soulful and aligned.

Your Soulful 6-Figure


Let's cut through the all of the confusion and the noise so that you can create your first Soulful 6-Figure year.

In this training you'll get a vetted roadmap to follow so you no longer have to waste time & energy wondering if you are on the right path or doing the right things.

Cracking The Code On Client Creation

You and your soul work are too important for you to remain a hidden gem.

In this training you'll get a system that you can plug and play into your business to reliably attract and create ideal clients every single month so you can stop chasing shiny objects that keep you stuck in the same place spinning your wheels.

Activating Your First Soulful

6-Figure Year

Strategy without inner work is like having a plane without a pilot, you've got the vehicle to get you where you want to go but no one to fly.

In this training I'll support you in aligning your inner game with your soulful 6-figure strategy so nothing will stand in your way of making this the year you start creating the income and impact you desire.

Let’s be honest…

100k is just a number, but…

with the right roadmap it’s so within reach for you and your business in 2024 & just imagine what would be possible from there.

A Bit About The Coach Behind This Free Training


I'm Kristin Constable, Business Coach & Mentor

to 6-Figure Soulful CEO's.

I've been a credentialed business and leadership coach since 2013 and spent the early part of my coaching career coaching and training top-level executives and managers in companies like Joey Restaurants, Vega, Pan Pacific Hotels, and Kit and Ace.

In 2015 I left my comfy 6-figure corporate job to become a full time entrepreneur where I could put to the test my business background and experience operating businesses inside of companies.

Since then I've built, ran, and closed the doors on a successful leadership consultancy, I've worked with 100's of small business owners, coaches, and consultants to help them create thriving and aligned 6-7 figure businesses, and I've created a thriving multi 6-figure coaching business for myself where I get to solely do my soul work in the world.

Today my work is centred around supporting coaches and industry experts become Soulful CEO’s by helping them create multi 6-figure business through the Soul Work Method™.

My work pulls from my degrees in psychology, business, and adult learning, my 17 years in business, and my studies in energetics, mindset, and somatic coaching to bring a unique combination of tools and coaching techniques to the work.

My style is equal parts Soul & Strategy.

I can't wait for you to dive in and see how powerful this combination can be.

© 2024 Kristin Constable | www.kristinconstable.com

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